//Tuesday, March 17, 2009

// The PS2 Tribute

Last night I sent my PlayStation 2 packing. For a grand total of 66 USD my PlayStation became a victim of eBay as there just wasn't enough room in the house for a PS2 and a PS3.

Yes, I have a PS3. Did you not know? Probably because of my lack of updating the www. Well here's the scoop. Nicole got me a PlayStation 3 for Christmas! Wow! It was super exciting! She even got my Guitar Heroes which I was extremely addicted to for a while until Fred got me Call of Duty: World at War. 3 Months later I am still hopelessly addicted to the game!

It turns out the PlayStation 3 can run PlayStation 2 games, so, why do I need a PS2? I don't! I realized I never really played many games on the PS2 except for NHL 2004. I don't know why I didn't get into it more but that is just how it seemed to be. I did save a couple of games such as NHL 2004, but also Worms World Party and The Sonic Collection.

The PS2 I believe was my biggest purchase as a highschooler. After realizing I would never earn the system through grades (because I was lazy!) I decided to save up for the thing myself! And I did! However I did deal with a few challenges with the system, for example, I didn't have any games for the system so a while! Finally, I ended up going down to Rogers Video and buying the cheapest game I could find, which was Grand Theft Auto III. Now the problems with this was I had no memory card, so I became extremely good and the beginning of the game because that was all I could play! Eventually I did get my memory card and life was good.

Another struggle was the system constantly being taken away from me by Charlene. She used to take my N64 away from me cos of my poor grades, but I purchased the PS2 with my own money! So, this upset me! You all probably think I worked hard to get my grades up and get back my PS2... Nope! Instead of working on my grades I thought of ways to retrieve my PS2! The best idea, which worked extremly well, was I purchased crappy no name brand controllers! See, she only took away my controllers so it was a wonderful plan! Other ideas involved taking the system to Matt Glynn's place so I could play it with him.

I think the last strugle ever for me to come across with the PS2 was when I purchased the wrong multi-tap and remote for it. You see, they came out with billions of different models so my model was completly outdated and didn't work with anythign! That sucked... Especially since I lost the reciept and couldn't take them back and they still roam around the house in their original box!

Alas, we said our goodbyes and a new era has come around... The PS3 era. I've probably played that thing more then I ever did my PS2! Okay, thats not true... I used to stay up until 2am playing NHL 2004 trying to win the cup!

Why do I have so much time to all of the suden post you say? Well, the day has come where I am now bored and have too much time off from work since I am still unemployed! Although, this is the first day in something like 4 weeks so I guess I can't complain. I do need to find something to do... the PS3 is going to make my head explode!

//Saturday, February 21, 2009

// It Was Fun While It Lasted

What could be so important that would get me to blog for the first time since November of 08? Not just a guilty conscience since I'm always thinking "I should post something on my blog!".

Today I worked my last day at Southern Railway of BC. Yep, you got it... I have no more job! I have been laid off!

This really is a huge moment in my life. Kind of... I mean I could go back to work within a couple of months... but this really is a life changing event. I have had my life all in order with a career, and that was taken away from me!

Really I am not as concerned as I once was. I am looking at this as a blessing in disguise. I am going to use the time to my advantage and hopefully get lots of things done. I really can't think of anything more inspirational then that due to the fact I am extremely tired and I have been up since 1 the day before this one and I just got off work.

Let me just say that my time at SRY has been great. I remember always saying how I hate my job and blah blah blah... which I will probably say again if I do get it back, but it really was a good job. Sometimes you can have lots of fun at that place. I will have some fond memories. What lies ahead for me? I am not sure. I can't really think about it since again its 5am. For the record, it would have been 3 years at SRY in June. Amazing that 3 years of my life have passed me by so quickly.

Have I ever mentioned I was sucked into the evilness of Facebook? Yes... I got a facebook account. Hypocrite I know! Ah well now I am just going off topic. I really am sleepy though! OH! This is important to say though. With all that has been going on in the hockey world, the Vancouver Canucks have signed Mats Sundin! Crazy right? Well, at first it wasn't looking too good since we lost a crap load of games at home (franchise record of something like 8 in a row?) but now they put Demitra Sundin and Kesler on a line to create the RPM line! On top of that they put Burrows on the Sedin line to create the money line! Anyhoo, the significance of this day is that Mats Sundin is face the Leafs for the first time since signing with the Canucks. It should be interesting I say! Most importantly though, I hope we beat the living crap out of them! How I LOVE watching Toronto lose! Bahahaha!

Anyhoo, completely gone of topic, so I will say goodnight. Remember, ever new beginning comes from some other beginnings end. Yea

//Tuesday, November 18, 2008

// WWJW?

I have been thinking about this a lot... with all the improvements in footwear technology in the 21st century, what would Jesus wear? Would he still wear sandals? How about shoes? Maybe even crocs? Anything else? What do YOU think?

//Friday, May 09, 2008

// May Flowers

They say April showers bring May flowers, but damn, my poor blog wouldn't know that, this is only my second post for 2008! Anyhoo, as I sit reminising after wake up at 2pm, however going to bed at 7:30am, and I thought lets go post something on the blog!

First I would like so say screw you google! Blogger and Google combined into one big thing now, so I apperently have a gmail... but I don't know what the hell that means! Anyhoo pretty much everytime I log in I have to get two emails telling me how to do so. It is a large extravanza. Have I already posted about this? I can't remember.

I would like to add on to one of my other posts from August 29th 2007. It was something regarding me returning to work in the next week. That was a lie! I didn't go back to work until after Thanksgiving which was in October! I had about 4 months off! I also was reading all these goals that I had about taking these courses which I have failed to do. Good work me, really putting a lot of effort in there. Truth is, I'm pretty lazy, and it is hard to get motivated.

May is usually the month of Historymaker. Just four years ago I would be pumped about Historymaker: Real. Wow... how time flies! I used parts of the day watching old HM videos... those were really some awesome times. Let me say moving Historymaker out of Kamloops had to be one of worst desicions in my opinion. Apperently the attendance was higher in Chilliwack then Kamloops, but I don't care. The atmosphere Kamloops provided was incredible. Historymaker 07 was absolutly lifeless, although keep in mind coming from a guy who didn't really have any religious expectations. The speakers were pretty good, worship okay, but overall there was just nothing mind blowing about the last Historymaker. I'm hoping that is different for other people, but damn... Chilliwack kills me.

My Historymaker streak will stop at 5 and the me 4 years ago would hang his head in shame. Although this Historymaker is stacked with awesome gifted bands and speakers, such as Mike Pilivachi and Delirious, I just don't what I would be doing there. In a time of more confusion with religious views then ever, I don't think it would be the greatest thing for me to attend.

You know how they say a lot of people find themselves when they go to college/university? What happens to the people who don't go? I mean I went to BCIT, but to say that shaped me would be a complete lie. Anyhoo, I just look back and see all the changes that have happened and I wonder if the old me would approve of the new me. Is there really a difference between me and the old me? I mean I'm talking like I was transformed!

I am currently listening to the BNL Vancouver concert from February 3rd 2007. Did I ever post about that? I'll look into it... BNL has always been wonderful...

My rambling for now! I say I become the President for getting ranDOMinion back up and running... come on Andrew MacG! You can not honestly let that thing die! Although he is married now...

//Wednesday, March 05, 2008

// Don't Worry, It's Just Me

You know its been a long time since you've been on your blog when you can't even figure out how to log in. In all honesty though, it is the most stupidest thing ever. I have to create a gmail account and I can't remember what my gmail account is. So I send an email to my hotmail asking me for the passowrd and I enter in my account and password and it says "account does not exhists". So then I have to click on a few more links, get another email, and 20 freakin minutes later, I'm writing about my terrible experiance of logging onto blogger.

I've had this trouble before and I even thought of posting about it, but probably forgot. Anyhoo, my anger and frustration is being vented finally onto Whatever!

It's been a long time... too long if you ask anybody. Sometimes I think to myself "Why don't I post on my blog anymore?" Whatever used to be such a popular place to be on the world wide web! I've looked at it though and it seems as if the wonders of are yesteryears don't seem to wonder us anymore. With so many new and exciting things to top Blogger, such as myspace and facebook, blogger must finally admit defeat as Facebook seems to have dominated the internet and even almost convincing me to jump ships.

I use Chips facebook account so I can look at pictures the odd time. Jean posted a bunch of pictures from my Birthday weekend and I realized that I couldn't see them! That is the only reason I go on facebook! You have to give them credit though. Facebook is just like a blog, combined with a photo website, such as Flicker, combined with MSN. It's definitly hard to beat that trio.

Nevertheless, I don't use Facebook, so why not post more often? Well, I am pre-occupied on the internet as well with other things. With my addiction to eBay, you will find a lot of time I'm on the internet looking at stuff there. Probably the worst place for me to visit because a lot of the times when I see something cool to buy in a store, I'll buy it. Trains are mainly purchased off eBay for me! I rarely go to train stores so therefor I don't spend much. But when I do, I spend lots! Now imagine me going to a train store everyday... Yep... It was pretty bad for a while... Sometimes when you are watching one of my trains go by I can point out every car and say got it from eBay.

Other websites that occupy my time are railpictures, online banking, and the weather network! Very boring, yes, but time consuming.

I would never say that I am going to say goodbye to Whatever, for it really is an icon for Matthew Robson history, especially in the computer category. I just don't think you'll see the day to day posts all the time again. A lot of the times I'm never ever really inspired to post probably just because I don't want to. Another reason is that there doesn't really seem to be anything exciting going on. Maybe it is exciting, but it isn't... that doesn't really make sence. I never did post a year end 2007 post and 2007 was one of the most exciting years for me. I guess I will try and post more often for I still do like looking back at old posts and seeing what was up this time last year, or the year before. But as time carries on, I'm finding less and less to read about, which just isn't fun for me!

As to my faithfull readers, thanks for dropping by again. And Anne, I'm not ignoring you, I just haven't been here for a while...

//Thursday, December 27, 2007

// Steve Easter: Good At Video Games

Simple, yet true statement. Steve Easter can dominate in all video game modes. It's rather scary. Turns out I'm just an analog player playing in a digital world...

First of all, yes I know that this is only my second post of the month. Why is that? Let's just say the world wide web has many vast and useless things too look at it, and my beloved Whatever has not been one of them! There really hasn't been too much exciting news, however, I will tell you what I bought at the Boxing Day sales!

1st Stop: A&W
After arriving at the mall 30 minutes before it opened to ensure a nice parking spot, I went to White Spot to grab me some breakfast so I would be nice and energized for Boxing Day Shopping. To my surpise, not only White Spot was closed, but Timmy Ho's too! Luckily A&W was open, and two mama burgers saved the day.

2nd Stop: HMV
I checked out their website the night before and they had some pretty good door crashers that I decided to take advantage of. I ended up purchasing the following...
-Blood Diamond
-Children of Men
-Knocked Up
-Live Free or Die Hard
All four titles cost me just over $35, when the original price for Knocked up at something like $26.99, so I was pleased with that.

3rd Stop: Jersey City
I've had my eye on this Roberto Luongo framed autographed print for a while, so I made sure to check that out. They also had a %70 off wrack, which included $10 shirts, $25 hoodies, and $30 Canucks Jersey's, all which I took advantage of. I purchased...
-Reabock Hoodie
-Trevor Linden T-Shirt (for Nicole)
-Vancouver Canucks Away Jersey

4th Stop: Aqua
Why would I stop at Aqua? Quiet simple of course... to show Nicole all my cool findings so far!

5th Stop: Calander World
Picked up some calanders for %50 off!

6th Stop: Orange Julious
Mmmmmmm... Strawberry Sensation...

7th Stop: Japan Camera
They had a huge selection of nice frames for %50 off so I thought that was a good deal, but I wanted to check out Black's first.

8th Stop: Blacks
How disapointing. Can anybody say "Blacks Sucks?"

9th Stop: Back to Japan Camera
After discovering a lack of sail items at Blacks I quickly decided to purchase the frames from Japan Camera

10th Stop: Back to Jersey City
I did it! I bought the Luongo Print! In fear of having it stolen in my car I asked if they could watch it for me in the store.

11th Stop: Back to HMV
I wanted to see if they had the Barenaked Ladies Talk To The Hand DVD, but apperently they were all sold out.

12th Stop: DK'sTechnically, they were suposed to be with me the entire time, but since Dyllan never picked up his phone, had to leave him behind!\

13th Stop: Best Busy
We moved over towards Landowne to see what we could find. We found an overcrowded Best Buy! I wanted to buy the Matador but the line up was so freakin huge that I didn't want to wait.

14 Stop: Colectors Den
After going on a shopping spree for framed autograph prints, I almost bought a Trevor Linded one, but I couldn't afford $200 more... Guess you can always dream.

15 Stop: Showcase
I bought this cool punch fountain bowl! It's soooooo coool!

16th Stop: Ex-Sports Check?I honestly for the life of me can not remember what it's called but it is where Sports Check used to be. I bought some coat hangers!

17th Stop: Again, Jersey CityAfter finishing at Lansdowne, we went back to Richmond Centre to claim my Luongo print!

18th Stop: Tripple O's
A mans gotta eat.

That pretty much sums it up. It was a fantastic Boxing Day. Thanks for all who came to the party, it was super awesome. Steve... you are a good video game player

//Tuesday, December 25, 2007

// Merry Christmas 07

Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday Dear Jesus!
Happy Birthday To You!

Wishing you all a fun wicked awesome whateverin' Christmas...